Get a walkthrough of how to create your own interactive video quizzes, including how to make multiple choice questions, yes/no or true/false questions, and pauses for reflection.
Kaltura MediaSpace is the company's market-leading social video portal. With MediaSpace, users can securely create, upload, share, search, browse, and watch live and on demand videos,…
In this video you’ll experience our video tools in Sakai and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
In this video you’ll experience our video tools in Moodle and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
In this video you’ll experience our video tools in Canvas and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
In this video you’ll experience our video tools in Blackboard and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
In this video you’ll experience our video tools in Brightspace and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
Experience our video tools in Sakai and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools.
Experience our video tools in Moodle and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools
Experience our video tools in Canvas and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools
Experience our video tools in BrightSpace and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools
Experience our video tools in Blackboard and see firsthand how faculty and students are using Kaltura’s video tools
Virtual reality and 360-video are an integral part of the future classroom. We shot a cool demo tour of Central Park showing how VR 360 can be used in the classroom to teach history, English…
Get a quick introduction to Kaltura Lecture Capture. Kaltura Lecture Capture is an exciting new way to manage all your lecture recordings from any course capture device, from the smallest classes to…
When the demand for professional-quality video production outstripped the capacity of the University of Portland’s Academic Technology Services, Samuel Williams had a brilliant idea. He began a…
The University of Portland Pamplin School of Business features a co-curricular personal and professional development program. While students learn the technical aspects of business, they are also…